Hi, im doc

Would you kindly have a great day?

I'm a developer and (un)professional gamer. Welcome to my personal space!

One day this site will actually have something interesting on it. In the meantime check out some obscure facts about Half-Life.


Most of my projects are on Github and most stuff is privated. I like to keep my stuff private until it's ready for public consumption. I have a really good collections of projects that I never published and I want to change that in the near future.

I play D&D as the Dungeon Master, I am building a new campaign setting and I am really excited for it.

I would like to play other GDRs:

I am a HUGE rich story games enjoyer, those are my favorite games. And I don't mean the games that focus only on the story of the main character, but they tells another story using the environment if you can pick up on that.
If you love those type of games too, here are some of my favorite:

  • The Bioshock Collection
  • The Half-life Series
  • Portal 1 and 2
  • Control
  • SOMA
  • Amnesia

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